Friday, January 01, 2010

Catching up in 2010 : More frequent posts ?

Last week was filled with some news that means I need to catch up with a single post with 3 sections.....
The first news-item that I wanted to comment and blog on was related to Justice Santhosh Hegde winning the Times, man of year for Bangalore. Well deserved indeed.

I think that the public is tiring of the political and other value loss and is looking for "role models". Justice Santosh Hegde aptly fills this void. While I'm sure there are a lot of people around who'd like to emulate him but will come up with tons of excuses as to why they cannot do so / or why their line of work will not allow them to do so, he'll continue to be an example of the axiom "Walk your talk". Kudos to him for highlighting what is possible and more strength to his cause.

The next 2 posts are related by death :-( ie of Dr. Vishnuvardhan and C Ashwath.

IMHO, Ashwath's death was overshadowed by the the "noise" around the demise of Kannada theatre's "Sahasa Simha". I've been a fan of both, but, was hurt with the repeat madness that the cities showed. Am convinced that this is not a "fan" or "following" issue, but, larger motivation as a mechanism to hoodlum-hood.

It is aptly evident from the fact that most of these are an urban phenomenon. None of the millions of fans in the rural belt have gone out and created trouble. They've chosen to pay homage in a personal manner and have behaved in a much more dignified manner. I'd like to think that their silent tribute is more meaningful ?

RIP gentlemen : You can rest in peace with the knowledge that your volume or work will remain as a testimony to your talents. You've certainly left deep footprints in the sands of Kannada's time


Shub said...


I agree - the violence is truly a let down (to say the least). It would be interesting to understand the psychology that leads to these violent outbursts - why this kind of a outburst, what do the perpetrators gain, is it a form of release??

Good to read your random thoughts though - keep them coming.


Ravindra said...

Hey Shub,
My own 2 paise as to why I think this happens -
a. First, for the instigators, it is the equivalent of a "free license". They have a reason to collect money / go around strutting with the knowledge that the level of public / police questioning is low in these cases.
b. The above "license" builds upon the social network when the mob mentality takes over : this is probably the "release" that you are hinting to.

In the end, I'm pretty convinced that there is nothing voluntary about the thought. The actions, however, are "volunteered" for in proxy.