Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Moving Individuals to the cloud : Is this cirrus or nimbus ?

Just learnt that Google has announced public APIs for Google power meter.

What this does is allows individuals to setup on the cloud (google personal home) a ticker that will get a set of feeds from individual power meters. This feed allows individuals to track their power consumption. The question is - will this work ?

I guess it makes sense in those cases where the utility provides a feed directly to google / cloud. It also makes sense when devices start to get intelligent and transmit power info to the web - but, that IMHO is still a looong way off ?

So, why bother ?

I actually think that this is a neat way to get people to incorporate the "talk / transmit" capability into devices. Just like most telecom / IT equipment comes with a "call home" option, my guess is that the structure will allow for this to reach out on the web.

Will all these devices talking together make it a chatter ?

_________Google Powermeter image from their website________

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